Saturday, May 12, 2007

Baby African Violet

I planted the leaves way back at the end of November, and just last week I saw the first bit of new growth appear. I don't know which leaf had the baby, or if it's two babies, or even if these two leaves came from the same plant or two different ones. I guess I'll have to wait until it blooms. I also repotted the suspected parent so I could bury the neck that had formed. Let's hope it survives its trimming and root disruption.
I looked at a website today to check on what I should do about the neck, and it mentioned that rooting these can be so intoxicating that the african violet gardener ends up with a million little ones filling the house. I can totally see that happening to me. It's even more fun than rooting pothos. And now I want a pink one. Anyone want to put in an order?
Next I have to trim the bonsai, which is a lot more stressful than this.

1 comment:

Robin said...

I love African Violets, my Grandmother always used to grow them. Unfortunately I have a "black" thumb. Perhaps I could purchase it and you could "raise" if for me and I could visit it on occasion? Let me know if that will work for you :-)