Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Nothing like working after a holiday . . .

Boy was today one of the quietest days on record at work - even worse than last Friday. At least I got part of my desk cleaned up.

And I'm still getting over my inability to get a new water heater. Here's hoping the old one manages to survive until we can get all the plumbing updated. And Sears better get my credit card bill refunded soon, or I'm going to get pissed!

And in my bit of complaining, I want to say that I'm really sick of getting DVDs of shows through Netflix and only having 2 episodes! I know this isn't Netflix's fault, but it's freaking annoying to have to get five separate discs just to watch 13 episodes. Somebody tell Al Gore how wasteful it is!

1 comment:

Hot & Sugared said...

Dude, are you really complaining about it being quiet at work?!?!!? Well come January 2nd that's all going to change, so look out!