Friday, May 18, 2007

Technorati and finding blogs

I got a little behind on my 2.0 projects and neglected to look at Technorati until today. I don't feel like I really understand what I can do with this yet, but I signed up anyway.
I was able to find my friend's blog and mark it as a favorite. I'm hoping someone else will extend the courtesy . . .
I also was able to use the popular links to find a blog about members of Congress who are trying to live on the amount of food a person can buy with a week's worth of food stamps. They're highlighting how little money that is ($21), but they haven't really talked about the other constrictions on food stamps. Not only does it have a dollar limit, but it severely limits you in terms of the types of foods you can buy. I'm not just talking about banning candy bars, but also favoring certain parts of the food guide pyramid over others. For example, you can buy vegetables at a farmer's market, but not at the grocery store. Perhaps this is one reason (beyond price) that grocery stores in poor neighborhoods have been found to carry fewer fresh, healthy foods.
At any rate, I wish the members of congress luck, since even they seem to know that they are somewhat privileged in their weeklong stint. Check out one of their blogs here: Congressional Food Stamp Challenge.

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