Saturday, December 8, 2007

Cat Vacation & A New Oven

Well, the kitties are on their mini vacation (it's listed on their very own google calendar - they're very up to date technologically). I hope they don't hate me too much when I pick them up tomorrow.

The new oven is here! It looks a lot like the old one, but we managed to get this one level. Now we're waiting for the fridge. It should be here within the hour. That will also have to be leveled and somehow crammed into the back hall closet. To get the old one out, we had to take off the doors (of the fridge and the entryway). You can see the fridge door in the picture below. Oh, the joys of old homes. . .

At least the plants love it. I've got more African Violet blooms coming, and the Christmas Cactus that used to be at my grandparents is blooming once again. I wasn't sure it'd like my house as much as their apartment, and despite blooming like mad late last winter, here it is, blooming again. And this time it's just in time for Christmas!

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