Friday, July 27, 2007

Hello Visitors!

Now that I have the Clustermap, I've become a bit obsessed with my far-flung visitors. How do they come here? What do they think? I've had the ability to see who's coming in via Sitemeter for a while, but it wasn't until I had that array of red dots growing on my map that I really began to become excited. It's just a shame that I added the map after the visits from Brazil and Australia. I keep hoping for representation from every continent!
If you stumble upon (well, I'm sure you can't find me through Stumble Upon) my blog from elsewhere, go ahead a post a short comment. This is just a blog, after all. And as long as you don't fill up too much space, it'd be interesting to hear from you. That goes for my friends who visit as well.

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