Friday, July 6, 2007

When East Africa beats the West

Several African countries have already or will shortly be enforcing plastic bag bans. This includes Zanzibar, Rwanda, Uganda, and Kenya. Check out this great little story on the BBC about why Uganda has decided on a ban.
Seems to me that if American environmentalists want to finally get rid of the plastic bag from our shores, they can take a hint from Africans: the flying latrine. Okay, you don't have to do it yourself--farm this one out to the pooches--but imagine what would happen if every empty plastic bag was quickly filled with poo and then thrown as far as the arm could toss it. If it were up to me, I'd add fire to the mix, but that's probably not safe . . .
On a related note, a former owner of my house purposely buried plastic bags in various parts of the yard. It was a real bitch to clean out, and probably exacerbated my drainage problem in the basement. Sheesh, if you're going to use an artificial barrier, at least have the good sense to buy something suited to the job!

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