Friday, February 1, 2008

I'm Back!

I know it's been a long time. I intended to update my blog once I got back from Italy, but it just got so darn busy. I've barely had time to keep on top of washing clothes and paying bills.

I do have a giant collection of Italy pictures up on Shutterfly. That was one thing I managed to finish right when I got back. They're all overcast, but what can you do? The weather is the weather.

Around here the weather has been atrocious. We dropped by 49 degrees in 24 hours this week, and now I'm dreading a return of the deep cold for next week's winter camping trip. Especially now that my cough has bruised my rib.

And the cold has driven the rabbits to desperation. They ate an entire rhododendron and a mock orange. These weren't tiny bushes, and now there's almost nothing left. Here is a picture of what little is left of the rhode:

Now, to top it all off, the sink has developed a giant crack across the bottom. If only we could have decided on a new counter top, the sink would have been replaced months ago. Oh well. At least I'm 100% sure I won't be buying a composite sink.

But I still have to decide between stainless steel and cast iron. And the counter? Still don't know.

And I haven't even decided which candidate to support at the caucuses. . .

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