Saturday, February 16, 2008

Peanut Butter Jars are Falling from the Heavens

While walking back from the grocery store this morning, Nick & I were surprised by something falling to the ground just in front of us: an empty peanut butter jar.

It came out of nowhere, falling down to the ground at the base of a tree. Some enterprising squirrell must have snagged it out of the recycling and hauled it up the tree. Those little buggers are getting pretty smart.

Not long after that, just as we were trying to leave for the airport, something went thud in the car and we were left with no steering. Trying to scrape another two years out of this car is starting to look questionable. It's good I live close to the bus line.

I'm now in Virginia at the National Conference Center, which is, as they bill themselves, a "city within itself." It's pretty confusing around here: rooms have this complicated lettering and numbering system, and I'm not sure how I'll find breakfast yet. At least I had a good dinner with some tasty profiteroles at the end (not here, but at a "lifestyle center" down the road . . . this place is a sea of strip malls and townhomes. A bit too stepford for my tastes.)

Tomorrow I start with reference appointments and teaching sessions. We'll see how my advanced session goes. . . they'll be taping it. Yikes!

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